as mentioned the Marcoeur episode started towards the end of the previous century and was – luckily – only to last until 2005…
So, after Hubert decided the project and its music being too far off his beef, he politely declined the offer and I recommended a replacement with Julien Baillod from Neuchâtel. Since I was continuously heading with my whole equipment to Burgundy to rehearse by car, I picked up Julien on the way. Rehearsal after rehearsal a tight repertoire for Marcoeur’s live sextet took place and resulted in the recordings of the album „L’“ for Marcoeur’s own label.
Albert and Claude Marcoeur, Eric Thomas and Julien (guitars), Farid Kenfouf (bass) and me (replacing the 3rd brother Gérard), multi frutti as usual were well received and we toured until early summer 2005. Then Albert came here and announced that my collaboration ended here and now, because, because… many obnoxious „arguments“ were brought forth, as silly as me not „playing my instrument enough“… how was I to play with Lasse (Hollmer) if I didn’t play my instrument enough?!!!!… or that he’d hear „the same mistakes all the time“ etc. etc…
I was totally taken aback by such fallatious allegations and – shock frozen – was foolish enough to hand over all the sampling I done for them!…
I brought in the sampler (a Kurzweil K2000) and was even forced to buy a „spear“ unit (another Kurzweil K2600) as well as a 32 channel mixing desk. Luckily I always took the latter with me, but left the mixing desk and the K2000 there. It took over a year until they deposited the mixing desk in Neuchâtel (for their convenience and for me to recoupe it there). For the K2000, they put a shabby backshish in the case with the mixing desk. The schedule for the following year (everything already booked) was to bypass me for Gérald sitting in the warm net of finely tuned working setup with the K2000 including my samples. It bypassed the first time I’d have recouped something for the investments (some 3000 Euros or more)…
End of story.
A few months later my mother died and left mayhem between my brothers and sister which took another 5 years to „sort out“… after which I started a long and tedious „reconvalescence“ of the soul…